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August 01, 2018 • News

Top 10 tips and tricks about Paprika

The paprika team have been working very closely at picking 10 specific aspects of Paprika that you may not have picked up on and we thought we would absolutely share this with you for everyone to benefit!


  1. Do you currently have your Accrued and Deferred Income posting to the same nominal on the Balance Sheet? If you are using Paprika 8.0.3 or higher you can now specify separate Accrued and Deferred nominal codes, please call our Help Desk on 01732 811602 to arrange a time to discuss making the change.
  2. Do you buy or sell goods or services with companies overseas?  Would you like Paprika to post the exchange difference automatically when an invoice is paid, and post a journal for the unrecognised exchange difference at month end? Paprika 8.1 has these features built in. Not already on Paprika 8.1 please email to book a date for an upgrade.If you are currently using Paprika 8.1 or higher please call our Help Desk on 01732 811602 to arrange a time to discuss turning on the new features.
  3. Are you using our Forecasting module in Paprika to forecast Income or Billing.  Did you know we have a Forecasting Toolkit that can automate some of the process?  Our Forecasting toolkit can update your forecast with the actual amount you have billed leaving the remaining amount correct for next month, or if you are forecasting income it can recognise the income you want to accrue automatically based on the amount you have forecast.  Want to know more?  Please contact our Client Services team on 01732 811600.
  4. WIP COSA Aged report
  5. We have a new report called 'WIP COSA Aged Report' it's a cross between the Expense Detail report and the Aged Creditors Report, it lists each Purchase Order which has WIP / COSA with columns for 0-30, 31-60, 61-90, 91-120, 121-150 and 151+ days plus.  The report was added to Paprika 8.1, please call our Help Desk on 01732 811602 and they will be help to help you add it to the menu
  6. Do you send your clients invoices from Paprika?  Would you like to include some additional text / images in the email? Paprika 8.1.2 has the option to send HTML emails, so you can include your signature and some standard text. To upgrade to Paprika 8.1.2 please email to arrange a date.
  7. Would you like to setup an approval process for Sales Invoices?  In Paprika 8.1 we added a status field to Sales Invoice entry so you can setup an alert when a draft invoice is raised, that invoice can then be approved before it is finalised. Already using Paprika 8.1?  Please call our Help Desk Team on 01732 811602 and they will help you enable the features. Not already on Paprika 8.1?  Please email our upgrades team to arrange a date for upgrade.
  8. Are you using our Supplier Groups feature? If you have sensitive supplier information, for example Directors’ expense accounts, you probably want to restrict who can see these. Setting up Supplier Groups is the answer.  The Help Desk team will be happy to talk to you about this option. 
  9. Do you write off time when you raise a Sales Invoice?  If you have ever written time off in error and wished we have a program to write it back, we do!!  If you are using Paprika 8.0.2 or higher there is a menu option called Write Back Time, which will reverse your write off.  Please call our Help Desk Team on 01732 811602 and they will happy to talk you through adding it to the menu and using it for the first time.
  10. Do you use Recharge Cashbook?  Have you ever thought it would be much easier if you can upload a spreadsheet with all the items you want to recharge rather than doing they one by one in cashbook?  You can, we have a feature called Recharge Journal Import, you probably already have it on your menu, click on the jobs icon in the full version of Paprika and click on .xls to create a template in excel you can use.  If you would like help using this feature please call our Help Desk team on 01732 811602 who will be happy to assist you.
  11. Do you Accrue income as part of your month end process, are you currently doing it manually one job at a time using Job Profit Review and Advance Billing pane?  Would you like speed up the process?  Why not use Income Adjustment Import, you can produce a spreadsheet in excel which includes all your jobs and then upload it into Paprika.  You may already have Income Adjustment Import on you menu click on the Jobs icon in full Paprika to check.