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Risorse e pianificazione

Il tempo è il nostro bene più prezioso. Con una soluzione integrata, è facile gestire e allocare ore per rispettare il budget, ottimizzare la disponibilità del tuo team ed evitare ritardi sul progetto.

Gestione fluida del flusso di lavoro per ottimizzare le prestazioni del tuo team.

Gestisci i carichi del personale

Ottieni visibilità sui carichi di lavoro dei team. Visualizza l’agenda e i progetti di ciascun membro del team su base settimanale o mensile utilizzando una semplice visualizzazione a griglia. Clicca e trascina per assegnare tempo alle persone per progetto o per singolo incarico. La codifica a colori consente di gestire le risorse in modo efficace mostrando la sovra allocazione di ore. Precarica le attività pianificate direttamente nel foglio ore.

Visualizza le tue esigenze future

Pianifica in anticipo e gestisci le esigenze future della tua agenzia. I report sulla disponibilità e sull'impiego del personale ti aiutano a prendere decisioni consapevoli. Rivedi e modifica i carichi di lavoro dei singoli membri dello staff e controlla ciò che è stato assegnato a colpo d'occhio.

A single, integrated solution

Paprika is configured to the requirements of your agency today, but is built with the flexibility to scale up functionality and reporting detail when you need to

A global user base of creative agencies

Bray Leino Splash Singapore
R3 Worldwide
Uniplan Hong Kong

"PRCA has always keenly championed Paprika because they understand what PR agencies need inside out: solid financials, intuitive resource planning, expert management of freelancers, easy to follow account management functions and excellent reporting tools. Many of our members are using Paprika everyday no matter where or how they are working, either in the office or remotely anywhere in the world. We're very happy to be working closely with the great team at Paprika"

Francis Ingham

PRCA Director General

"I love Paprika and the tools it offers a business whether small, medium or large, to manage not only its finances but its resources and projects as well. Whilst an FD and a consultant I put Paprika into several agencies and the owners/managers have always been amazed at the transparency it gives them as to where their profitability (or lack of it) is coming from. I would not hesitate to recommend Paprika to any agency looking to upgraded their software"

Deborah Broadbent

Founder, Vision FR

"Paprika is a robust job costing and accounting system that seamlessly tracks transactions from jobs to accounts. Its ability to provide live time job information along with meaningful financial data makes it a powerful and vital resource for any project based company"

Chris Lang

DBA Accredited Expert, Flash Accounts

“In 2010 we wanted to embrace management control at 360 degrees and include analytical accounting control. The change in corporate culture was challenging but gave us back a strong strategic value that has also poured into customer service. We've always believed that positive results can never be separated from numbers and internal organisation guarantees quality and longevity. Hence the reasoned choice for the use of Paprika"

Elena Consonni

CFO of Boutique Creativa

"Having a primarily creative mind, implementing an integrated ERP when only a few knew the concept seemed initially a daring investment. The results showed that audacity pays off and, both as entrepreneurs and as suppliers of high quality services, we are satisfied with the progress made. Celebrating these 10 years with Paprika is a reason for pride"

Paolo Giorgi

Director of Boutique Creativa, Italy

"We have been using Paprika for many years now and I am always impressed with the service we receive from their helpline. They are always courteous, helpful and resolve most issues straight away"

Jon Pearce

Group Creative Director, Ferrier Pearce

"As time went on, and functionality of it improved, we started using it even more. And as our business grew, that’s when we realised the actual benefits of using Paprika"

Amie Faulkner

Operations Manager, Outlook Creative Group

"Paprika makes their clients feel like an individual which is unusual in 21st Century"

Bernie Creedon

New State Entertainment Ltd

"We needed a tool to handle the volume of work (perhaps 300 live projects at any time), the diversity (projects range from £200 to over £100,000 projects) and the geography (over 65 countries and 42 currencies in 2015!). We found it in Paprika"

Jeremy Stern

Managing Director, PromoVeritas

"Even though ASW (Agency Software Worldwide) have expanded, they have maintained their family personality"

Dorcas Gordon

Finance Director, Kazoo

"The software and the Paprika team have always supported us in all cognitive and functional steps. And time has rewarded us with continuous and constant growth in turnover"

Elena Consonni

CFO of Boutique Creativa

Let’s get started. Ready for a demonstration?

Say goodbye to losing track of invoicing. No more ‘best guess’ quotes. 
An end to the needless shrinking of margins. 

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