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September 20, 2024 • News

10 Tips for Keeping Hold of Good Talent for Your Agency

Where would your agency be without your talent?

Your team is the driving force behind every creative campaign, strategic win, and successful client partnership. From account managers to strategists, good talent is the backbone of any thriving agency. But what happens when that talent starts to leave? Or worse, when you can't attract the right people in the first place?


In this blog, we’ll explore practical strategies for retaining your agency’s best talent and keeping them engaged for the long haul.


1. Does Your Team Have Job Satisfaction

How happy are your team members in their roles? Do they wake up raring to go and excited to tackle the day ahead?

If not, they might already be eyeing the door, ready to leave. Job satisfaction is more than just enjoying daily tasks. For some, it’s about feeling part of something bigger, knowing their contribution matters. Others might crave the freedom to experiment creatively or feel challenged in their work.

The only way to understand what motivates your team is to ask them. Incorporate regular one-on-one check-ins, anonymous employee surveys, or feedback sessions to get a sense of job satisfaction. This will help you identify what keeps your team engaged and what needs attention.


2. Give Your Team Clear Direction 

Do your employees have a clear understanding of what’s expected of them? Do they receive consistent direction from management and well scoped client briefs?

Confusion breeds frustration, which can lead to disengagement and eventually, quitting.

Every employee should have a defined job description, clear KPIs, and access to regular feedback. Weekly check-ins with teams or periodic individual reviews are essential for this. Beyond that, it’s important to keep your everyone in the loop about what’s happening within the agency, including:

  • New clients and projects
  • Clients leaving the agency
  • Business goals and objectives
  • Financial performance
  • Upcoming hires and resignations

Transparency helps bring clarity to the unknown, being kept in the loop arms your employees with the knowledge to feel secure in their role. 


3. Make Employees Feel Valued

Everyone appreciates being appreciated. A simple "thank you" or "great job" can go a long way.

This doesn’t mean you need to celebrate every task completion with a pat on the back, but acknowledging when someone goes above and beyond is essential. It could be as simple as a shoutout in a team meeting or a personal note from the boss.

Feeling valued is critical. When employees feel overlooked or only hear criticism without constructive feedback, they’re likely to look somewhere else where they’ll be genuinely appreciated.


4. Career Development

Do your employees see a future with your agency, or is it just a stepping stone in their career?

It's no secret that job-hopping is often seen as the fastest way to progress in a career. But you can give your talent reasons to stay by offering clear opportunities for growth, like career progression, training and further qualifications. Regular feedback sessions, mentorship programs, and professional development opportunities help employees envision a long-term future with your agency.


5. Provide Your Team with The Right Resources

No matter how talented your team is, they need the right tools and resources to do their job properly. Outdated technology, inefficient software, or a lack of proper resources can quickly lead to frustration and hinder productivity. If your team can’t do their job efficiently then they might be looking at other agencies that actually invest in their resources. 

Whether it's upgrading creative software, implementing agency management tools, or simply providing faster hardware, these investments pay off in improved efficiency and job satisfaction.

By empowering your team with the right tools, you not only make their jobs easier but also show that you’re committed to their success and professional growth.


6. Build a Genuine Company Culture and Core Values

Is your agency a great place to work? Company culture is more than beers on a Friday, a fully stocked snack cupboard and a ping pong table. A strong culture is defined by the environment you create for your team to thrive. Core values that align with your business practices set the tone for who you hire, how your team operates, and what kind of clients you attract. Great talent won’t stay long in a toxic environment, no matter how much you try to mask it with perks.


7. Inspiring Work, Clients and Projects

Your agency has the opportunity to work with exciting brands and high-profile clients. This is a huge pull for quality talent—and it’s a reason they’ll want to stick around.

Working on projects that push boundaries, inspire creativity, and drive real change keeps your employees passionate and engaged. Make sure your team has the chance to work on projects that challenge them and make them proud.


8. Structure and Management

An agency that runs on solid processes, effective management, and clear communication makes everyone’s life easier.

Having well-defined systems reduces errors, speeds up delivery, and helps employees feel confident in their roles. Leadership should provide the necessary guidance to navigate challenges while allowing teams the autonomy to do what they do best. Nothing makes your talent leave quicker than poor management this includes incompetents, micromanaging and workplace bully.   

When employees know there’s, a solid infrastructure backing them up, they feel more secure and capable of doing their best work.


9. Extinguish Burnout Before It’s Too Late

Is your team struggling to keep up with deadlines, client demands, or excessive workloads? If so, burnout may be on the horizon.

It’s essential to regularly assess team capacity and workloads. Don’t wait until someone is overwhelmed to address the issue. By proactively managing workloads and being mindful of work-life balance, you can prevent burnout and retain happier, more productive employees.


10. Competitive Wages: Pay Employees What They Deserve

While all of the above factors are important for agency workers, but if they can’t afford to pay their bills then what’s the point? No amount of praise or team-building activities will keep them around.

Regularly assess industry standards to ensure your pay scales are competitive. Consider offering performance bonuses, profit-sharing, and benefits like healthcare, pension schemes, or additional perks that support your team’s well-being.



Attracting and retaining top talent requires a multi-faceted approach. From fostering a positive work culture to offering clear growth paths and competitive compensation, the way you support and engage your employees plays a critical role in their decision to stay.

Invest in your people, and they’ll invest in your agency.