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July 08, 2024 • News

Paprika Manchester Breakfast Seminar 2024

Unlock success strategies for growing an agency

Growth for your agency is exciting! More clients, a bigger team, and a booming business – it all sounds fantastic. But rapid expansion can also come with growing pains: communication breakdowns, stressed-out staff, and ultimately, unhappy clients.

 This is where strategic growth comes in!

 The first ever Manchester Paprika Breakfast Seminar is addressing some of the pit falls and solutions to agency growth. 

 Join us for:

  • Hear From Industry Experts: Hear from our speakers as they share their experiences and insights into what it is like to grow an agency. 
  • Avoid Common Pitfalls: Discover the strategies our speakers implemented to overcome the pitfalls of agency growth. 
  • Unlock Sustainable Success: Gain real insights and practical tips for building a thriving agency that scales efficiently.

Plus, don't miss:

  • Valuable networking opportunities with fellow agency leaders in the North.
  • Free breakfast and refreshments

Event Details:

  • Date: 10th October 2024
  • Location: King Street Townhouse, 10 Booth Street, Manchester, M2 4AW
  • Time: 9.30am – 1pm (Registration opens at 9:30am, breakfast served. Program starts at 10:00am)

Guest Speakers:

Deborah Longbottom - Business Consultant to the Creative Industries

Gemma Longfellow & Alex Rowlands – Managing Partners of Ear to The Ground

Nick Howe – Founder and CEO of Uniform Group

Janine Evans – Client Engagement Consultant


Limited seats available! Secure your spot at the Manchester Paprika Breakfast Seminar, register today. Provide your details below.