Integrated systems vs one integrated system: What’s the difference?
Whilst it certainly started before anyone had heard of COVID-19, during the past year and a half we have only increased our reliance upon a diverse range of tools to manage our tasks, plan our schedules, track our time and manage our financials. Tools multiply. As they’ve become a more essential part of our minute-to-minute jobs they’ve also multiplied to meet our different needs.
September 21, 2022 • News
Overservicing: Improve project profitability with better resource planning
Do you know that around 90% of PR consultancies overservice their clients? This is not new. Creative agencies have been struggling with overservicing for many years. But, what can we do about it? How to prevent overservicing in the long run?
CRM Webinar: The central source for all your contact data
What's Contact Centre in Paprika? A fully interactive Customer Relationship Management system which has the additional benefit of being linked to your job costing system. This allows you a joined up one-system software approach, no more separate new business pipeline.
6 Steps to Optimize your Accounts Payable Processes
Invoice processing doesn’t have to be hard. Being able to track and sort invoices at any stage and by any key information should be frictionless. With Paprika, you can manage everything within a single solution to simplify and speed up your processes. Efficient operation of invoice processing and making the whole procedure paperless ensures a better collaboration and transparency across your...
Expel The Excel: On-demand Job Forecasting Webinar
We prepare forecasts because we want to predict the future. We do this so that we are not surprised by what is coming down the line and we can adapt to turn the future into our best case scenario. Within a company there’s seldom just one person providing an accurate view of everything that is ahead. In fact, nearly everyone holds a piece of the jigsaw making up the picture of the future that you...
Mastering Time Management and Productivity Tools
Handling multiple projects at the same time is not an easy task. Keeping everything centralized, your tasks, resources and projects together, ensures you can create organized processes to manage projects and allow your team to effectively achieve their goals.